Class Polly


public class Polly
extends java.lang.Object
This class represents the AI Polly from AWS.
Lukas Wais
  • Constructor Summary

    Constructor Description
    Polly​(com.amazonaws.regions.Region region)  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    static Polly getInstance()
    Singleton instance of Polly.
    void play​(java.lang.String text)
    This method plays an arbitrary String.
    static void speak​(java.lang.String text)
    Speak method of Polly.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • Polly

      public Polly​(com.amazonaws.regions.Region region)
  • Method Details

    • play

      public void play​(java.lang.String text)
      This method plays an arbitrary String. It is the heart of Polly. Moreover some output is printed to console for testing. It is synchronized for the thread executor.
      text - you want to have spoken by Polly.
    • getInstance

      public static Polly getInstance()
      Singleton instance of Polly.
      the Polly instance.
    • speak

      public static void speak​(java.lang.String text)
      Speak method of Polly. It executes the generated MP3, so you can hear Polly.
      text - you want to speak.